
Why structural changes in the company are so important

Every action of a company should focus on the needs of the customer. Now, however, those needs are constantly changing in our age of digitization. 

Storage times should be minimized (just-in-time production), Hotlines are to be replaced by chat bots and hierarchies are to be dismantled. Structural changes in the company are necessary to meet these requirements. 

"Nothing is as constant as change."

Stability vs. structural changes in the company

A project after the Waterfall model, which is implemented over 5 years and in the end no longer meets the needs of the customer, is no longer conceivable in any successful company today.

For structural Change in the company What has been learned should be quickly integrated into the work context, changes manifested in teams and products as MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to be tested. 

The latter could mean, for example, that you offer your customers a consulting service, carry it out yourself first and only hire new employees when the offer is well received. Thus, an idea with the lowest risk was tested before a structural change was made in the company.

In the context of constant change, the model of the learning organization gains enormous importance. 

Structural changes in a learning organization

In this management method, self-reflection is indispensable in order to cope with structural changes in the company.

  • How have we proceeded so far? 
  • Which method have we adjusted so far? What was the result of the adjustment?
  • How can we also increase our efficiency and effectiveness together in the future? How can we focus our actions even more on customer requirements?

If you want to know more about the principles of learning organizations, I recommend this article from us: 

Implementation of structural changes in the company

To make changes tangible, Reflect on actions and to grow together, retrospectives win not only in Scrum steadily increasing in importance.

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