Would you like to expand your team, remove people, or assign / withdraw the team admin role?
To do this, navigate to the team member list in the team settings:
- Under the list of team members you will find the button to add new team members.
- You can remove team members from the team using the "x" on the right in the list.
- The badge in the list is used to assign the admin role:
a) If the green-bordered button "+ Admin" appears for a member, it means that this person currently has no team admin rights. With a click on the button you add these rights.
b) If the green-filled button "Team Admin" appears, this person currently has team admin rights. If you move the mouse over the button, the button turns red and you can remove the admin rights with one click. The person will then remain as a normal team member.

To be able to edit the team members, you must have team admin rights yourself. If you don't have these rights, you can at least check the team settings to see who is currently the team admin.
Note: A team in Echometer must always have at least one team admin. You can name as many people as you want as team admin.