when should a sprint retro happen

When should a sprint retrospective happen?

If you just searched Google for "when should sprint retrospective happen," you probably want one of these two questions answered:

  • When in the sprint cycle should sprint retrospectives happen?
  • On which day should sprint retrospectives happen?

In this article I will answer both questions. And if you have the feeling that one of the two questions is superfluous, then I would like to convince you of the opposite.


When should a Sprint Retrospective happen

When should sprint retrospectives happen in the sprint cycle?

In the Scrum Framework, Sprint Retrospectives are a fixed and important part of each Sprint Cycle. The purpose of the sprint retrospective is to reflect on the past sprint cycle, to learn from it and thus to be able to approach the upcoming sprint cycle better.
Thus, the team should have the sprint retrospective after the sprint review and before the next sprint planning.

A classic sprint cycle lasts between one week and one month. So the Sprint Retrospective also takes place once a week to once a month.
In this regard, we studied over 30,000 retrospectives from more than 100 companies and found that team members' subjective satisfaction was highest when retrospectives were held at intervals of 14 days or less.
Retro Frequency ROTI

When should a Sprint Retrospective happen

On which day should sprint retrospectives happen?

Even if this question seems much less relevant than the first one, I can assure you that this is not the case. In our data collection of more than 30,000 retrospectives, we also looked at when the best time of the week is to hold a Sprint retrospective. And even though the middle of the week (Tuesday-Thursday) turned out to be the days when most Sprint Retrospectives are held, subjective satisfaction with Sprint Retrospectives is highest on a Friday.

As can be seen, the subjective satisfaction with sprint retrospectives becomes higher the later they occur in the week. (More about the ROTI score)
We don't have a scientific explanation for this phenomenon, but I would say it makes sense that closing a sprint can also be seen well as closing a week. Whereas finishing a sprint to start the week seems counterintuitive to me at first. – Who doesn't like to end their week by completing their tasks?

The interesting thing about this measurement is that the question "On what day should you hold a retrospective?" seems superfluous at first, but it has as big an impact on subjective perception as the frequency of retrospectives. (Want to learn more about what we learned from the 30,000 retrospectives, click here: "Analysis of 30k retros: 4 tips for agile teams")


Conclusion: When should a Sprint Retrospective happen?

All in all, it can be said that a sprint retrospective takes place at the end of each sprint cycle, which ideally lasts 14 days or less (7 or 14 days is my recommendation). Optimally, you can start these sprints on a Monday and thus end them with the sprint retrospective on a Friday.

If you want to find out under which conditions your team's satisfaction is highest, feel free to test our retrospective tool for free ...

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First Health question: "😍 We love going to work, and have great fun working together."

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"We discover too many unexpected issues & bugs at a late stage!"

"Why does it sometimes take me hours to prepare a simple retrospective?"

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