Our Blog

Our blog with the latest on new work, agility and leadership

Adjust the team health

Would you like to adjust the Team Health measurement of your team? It's very easy with the team templates and rotation. Shortly

Delete my account

To delete your account, first log in to the Echometer app: https://my.echometerapp.com/ Tips Once you are logged in, click

Change the language in Echometer

Echometer is currently available in German and English. This is how you can change the language: In the Simply menu at the top left with

IT security & GDPR

The most important facts in a nutshell: If you have any questions about IT security and DSGVO at Echometer, you can always contact our email support.

Delete individual users from workspace

Only workspace admins can remove users from Echometer. To do this, go to the Workspace Administration under “Workspace Members” and select the

User administration & billing

Billing types First check which type of billing is relevant for you: Option 1: Team licenses Each team in the workspace is billed as a

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