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Managers in Retrospectives? 5 Tips & Thoughts

The question of whether a manager should or may participate in agile retrospectives depends on various factors and there are different opinions in the agile community. But what if you have no choice? The team manager wants to attend the sprint retrospective. Let's take a closer look at all this.

The basic rule is probably clear: managers should tend to stay away from retro because they are very likely to limit openness in the team. At the same time, in a perfect world, managers are to some extent part of the team, are servant leaders and also have a relationship of trust with their employees. So what to do? 

There is also a question in some Scrum certifications: "The team manager would like to take part in the sprint retrospective. What should you do?"

The correct answer according to the test is: "Suggest another forum where the manager can meet with the team." This should always be the first impulse. The need should also be questioned: Why does the manager want to take part in the retro in the first place? Perhaps the thirst for knowledge can be satisfied in another way.

At the same time, if a manager wants to take part in Retros, see this as an opportunity. Surely he/she can help you with a few of your obstacles. 

Also see it agile: an experiment should be worth him/her coming to it once. Let's see how it works – this is exactly how you learn empirically.

Can Manager Sprint attend Retrospektive or Retro?

Tips: Managers in agile sprint retrospectives

So if the team manager wants to attend the sprint retrospective, you can maximize the probability of success with the following tips and mental models.

  • Set clear expectations:

    • Transparency is a key value in agile methods. When a manager participates in the retrospective, this can influence the openness of team members. Some members may be reluctant to express their opinions or concerns if they fear that the manager may interpret their contributions negatively. Discuss the expectations for the manager's participation with the team and the manager in advance. Clarify what role the manager will play and how much influence they should have on the discussion.
  • Emphasize the role of observer:

    • If so desired, emphasize the manager's role as an observer, serving to understand and support the team's dynamics rather than actively intervening in the discussions. This can help to maintain the trust of the team. At the same time, emphasize the observer effect: It is clear that the manager's presence alone is likely to influence the discussion. The effect may therefore be weakened somewhat.
  • Provide feedback after the retrospective:

    • Ask the manager to share their feedback and observations after the retrospective, rather than during the session – or perhaps never. This allows the team to at least get a sense of what exactly the manager could or wanted to take away from the retrospective.
Should managers be in retros? Generally not, this can lead to chaos - there are at least a few tips to consider.

Should Manager be in Retro? | Sprint Retrospective Manager

Maximize the chances of your success

There are other tips you can take into account in this context and when considering whether managers should be in retros.
  • Emphasize self-organization:
    • Emphasizes the importance of the team's self-organization. The manager should understand that the main purpose of the retrospective is for the team itself to identify and implement improvements.
    • At the same time, of course, it can also be seen as an opportunity to actively involve the manager. Some arguments support the participation of managers to provide leadership support and coaching. A manager can bring valuable feedback and perspectives from a higher level to help the team improve: What external factors beyond our control as a team are holding us back right now? What could the manager help us with?
    • Appropriate questions could also make your retrospective workshop more productive. However, it should not end in a "justification monologue" by the manager. Instead, it must be clear to the manager that the initial aim is simply to understand the team's tensions and take them on board in order to discuss them at a higher level if necessary.
  • offer workshops and training courses:
    1. Provides the manager with the opportunity to participate in workshops or training aimed at deepening understanding of agile principles and practices. This can help to create a common basis for collaboration.
  • Influence through questions, not instructions
    • If the manager interferes: instead of giving instructions, ask questions that encourage reflection. For example, instead of saying "We need to do this faster", ask: "How could we improve our processes to make faster progress?". This strengthens the focus on self-organization and commitment.

Finally, there is a specific tool that could help you with a retrospective with managers, for example by keeping the data anonymous and helping with data-driven continuous improvement.

"Many team members are afraid to speak up!"

"We discover too many unexpected issues & bugs at a late stage!"

"Why does it sometimes take me hours to prepare a simple retrospective?"

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You should try Echometer.

Can Manager Sprint attend Retrospektive or Retro?

Better retros for data-driven managers

Agile sprint retrospective tools can also help you to conduct a constructive retrospective with your manager. For example, managers are often data-driven. This is exactly where Echometer can help you by incorporating a Health Check survey into your retrospective. This makes team development more transparent and measurable. In addition, Echometer can guarantee the anonymity of opinions.

Echometer is a digital tool that helps agile team leads with agile retrospectives and team Health Checks. Whether remote, hybrid or on-site: it makes team coaching measurable and professionalizes your work while saving you a lot of work. Just take a look at our website to find out more:

"If you can hire or fire, stay out of the team's retrospective."

Can Manager Sprint attend Retrospektive or Retro?

Conclusion - Should managers be in retros?

So, can or should a manager attend the sprint retrospective or retro? Difficult: The integration of managers in retrospectives requires a sensitivity for agile principles and the observer effect. By focusing on openness, questions and reinforcing Scrum values, you can mitigate the potentially negative effect of managers in retros. However, managers tend to be out of place in retros.

Finally, another quick hint: If you would like to know how it feels to develop your team with our tool: You can start an agile retrospective below without logging in, in this case the "Keep, Stop, Start" workshop. 

Alternatively, simply forward our website to the responsible colleagues:

Open Feedback Questions

Continue: What should we keep?

Stop: What should we stop doing?

Start: What should we start doing?

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Need a team boost? Do this: The Spotify Health Check Retrospective!

First Health question: "😍 We love going to work, and have great fun working together."

Sounds good? Try our retro tool for free below.

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