Retrospective agile examples

3 best retrospective questions with online templates

You just searched Google for "3 retrospective questions"? Great, then you landed here at the right place🎉
In this article, I want to give you an overview of different retrospective formats that all have one thing in common: They are retrospectives with 3 questions.

Retrospective Scrum meeting: A few hints before we start🚦

If you don't have any experience with agile retrospectives or with retro methods, you can read through our short and crisp guide: Retrospectives – Everything you need to know👀

Good to know: Typically, a Scrum retrospective lasts between 45 (up to 5 team members) and 90 minutes (up to 12 team members). If possible, you should rather plan even more time.
In any case, you should actively timebox in each of the retro phases. If you are not familiar with them, you can learn more about them here:
The 5 phases of a retrospective🔍 If you often have problems with timeboxing, here are some tips for you: A brief retrospective.

Given this tight schedule, you should definitely make sure to have your retro format and retrospective meeting notes well prepared - find some help for that below⏱

If the retro method takes place in a distributed team, you may be wondering: how can you conduct a retrospective online?
You can find an answer here:
retro tool comparison. But to make it short: Our recommendation for this is our tool: Echometer. At the bottom of each retrospective you will find a button right next to the retrospective methods that leads to our tool where you can test all retrospectives for free🚀

If you are looking for a sprint retrospective ppt template (i.e. a PowerPoint presentation), you can also easily copy and paste the questions and image of each method into a PowerPoint presentation. However, it would be even easier if you just click on the button – as you prefer 🙂

3 Retrospective questions #1

The What Went Well Retrospective👍

The "What Went Well" retrospective is probably the most popular or well-known among all the ideas for retrospectives. It is based on the pattern we find in many other retrospectives, but simply without all the gimmickry around it. Looking at the last sprint cycle, these 3 questions are asked:

Open Feedback Questions

What went well?

What went not so well?

How can we improve?

3 Retrospective questions #2

The Mad Sad Glad retrospective 😯

The "Mad Sad Glad" retrospective method has a similar pattern, but uses three typical emotions to make it a little more interesting for the team.

Open Feedback Questions

What made you mad? 😤

What made you sad? 😢

What made you glad? 🤩

3 Retrospective questions #3

The Scrum Retrospective Start Stop Keep 🔖

The Start Stop Keep Scrum Retrospective is also known as the Start Stop Continue Retrospective. I highly recommend making them the "Keep Stop Start" retro (in this order) because that's how you start with something positive and end with ideas for new action items:

Open Feedback Questions

Keep: What should we keep?

Stop: What should we stop doing?

Start: What should we start doing?

3 Retrospective questions #4

Three Little Pigs Retro 🐷

The "Three Little Pigs" retrospective is based on the fairy tale of the same name, in which 3 pigs build three houses from completely different materials. Of course, the three houses are built differently robust. The question is – what material are the results built from in your team?

Open Feedback Questions

House of straw: What do we do that is just holding together, but could topple over at any moment? 🌱

House of sticks: What do we do that is relatively stable, but could be improved? 🪵

House of bricks: What do we do that is rock solid? 🪨

3 Retrospective questions #5

Respect for all the challenges? The Pacman Retro 🟡

Last but not least, maybe you or your team have vivid memories of playing Pacman. Let's use them to take a fresh perspective on our teamwork – with these retro questions:

Open Feedback Questions

What ghosts were hunting you in the last sprint?

What allowed us to turn from hunted to hunter?

What new tactics might lead us to winning in the future?

Conclusion – Retrospectives with 3 questions⚡

I hope you were able to get a feel for how retrospectives are structured with 3 questions through these 5 retrospectives.
Also, I'd love for you to try some of the retrospectives I mentioned. I guess it always depends on the agile maturity level and retro fatigue which of the methods is most suitable.

Most Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters run in circles...

...fixing superficial symptoms. Time to use psychology to foster sustainable mindset change.

"Many team members are afraid to speak up!"

"We discover too many unexpected issues & bugs at a late stage!"

"Why does it sometimes take me hours to prepare a simple retrospective?"

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Need a team boost? Do this: The Spotify Health Check Retrospective!

First Health question: "😍 We love going to work, and have great fun working together."

Sounds good? Try our retro tool for free below.

"Many team members are afraid to speak up!"

"We discover too many unexpected issues & bugs at a late stage!"

"Why does it sometimes take me hours to prepare a simple retrospective?"

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