Echometer App Privacy Policy


Echometer is a browser-based online tool (hereinafter also “service” or “Echometer tool”) that supports organizations in the implementation of a healthy feedback culture by initiating and accompanying a continuous improvement process through team retrospectives.

Our data protection provisions explain in detail which personal data is collected in the context of the use of our service via in which way are processed.

Responsible within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) for the processing of personal data is

Echometer GmbH
Tondernstrasse 1
48149 Münster
E-mail: [email protected]

We only process personal data if this is permitted by law. Personal data will only be passed on to recipients whom we expressly designate in these data protection provisions.

As soon as the purpose of the processing no longer applies, personal data will be deleted or blocked for further use by technical and organizational measures. This also takes place when a prescribed storage period expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the personal data for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract.

Unless we are legally obliged to store the data for a longer period of time or to pass it on to third parties (in particular law enforcement authorities), the decision as to which personal data we collect, how long it is stored and to what extent you may have to disclose it depends on which functions of our website or service are used in each individual case.

External links

Links on our Internet pages and in our services may redirect to other Internet pages and services that are not operated by us but by third parties. Such links are either clearly marked by us or are recognizable by a change in the address line of the browser. We are not responsible for compliance with data protection regulations and the secure handling of personal data on these websites and services operated by third parties.


These data protection provisions use the terms of the legal text of the GDPR. You can find the definitions (Art. 4 GDPR) under, for example can be viewed.

What data we process

We collect various types of data during your use of our website and our service.

The first type is data that you provide to us directly and knowingly. This includes the information you enter when you create an account for the service (name, email address and password) as well as data you create while using the service, e.g. feedback, retrospective interactions, actions created, etc. This data belongs to you. This data belongs to you. Echometer may use the email address and name to contact you directly for troubleshooting, sales outreach, feedback collection and proactive support purposes.

The second type is data that we collect automatically when you use our website and services. This data is only used to operate and improve our service. This is also our legitimate interest, which is why processing is permitted under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

By using our service, you give us permission to store this data and process it within the framework of this privacy policy. You may decide to withdraw this consent at any time, but this may reduce or even prevent the usability of our service for you.

Data subject rights

In accordance with the European GDPR in accordance with Chapter 3, the following "data subject rights" apply:

Those affected have the right...

  • for information about data processing acc. Art. 15 GDPR
  • correction of data acc. Art 16 GDPR
  • Submit a complaint to a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR
  • for deletion (also known as “right to be forgotten”) in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR
  • to restrict processing in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR
  • on data portability acc. Art. 20 GDPR
  • Objection to the processing, provided that this takes place on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter e or f GDPR.

Note that we can change our privacy policy. Updates are made available directly on this page. In the event of significant changes, we will also inform you on the registration screen or by email. If you do not agree to future changes to this privacy policy, you must stop using our services and delete your account. We are obliged to inform you about the correction or deletion of personal data or the restriction of processing.

Use of cookies

Cookies are text files that are stored or read by a website on end devices. They contain combinations of letters and numbers, e.g. to recognize the data subject when reconnecting to the cookie-setting website, to restore the previous settings, to enable the data subject to remain logged in to a customer account or to statistically analyze certain usage behavior.

We use cookies to:

  • Save preferences for our website
  • save the login status

In-App Feedback

Users can send messages to the Echometer team within the app via the support menu to provide feedback or report bugs. When sending such a message, the current browser URL, IP address, and, if the person is logged in, the email address are automatically recorded and sent to Echometer together with the message. This data is used exclusively for internal processing and evaluation of the feedback and possibly to contact the user for further questions regarding the message or to provide assistance to the user.

Agreement online demo

In some places, we offer users a proactive online demo. The appointment for the online demo can be booked by the user via our calendar tool HubSpot. Alternatively, users can leave a telephone number for a callback. The telephone number is processed via PostHog.

Contact options

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, security measures or the exercise of data subject rights, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected].

Integrated third-party providers

Telekom Germany GmbH

We use the Telekom Open Cloud for our app, which is provided by:

Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Landgrabenweg 151, 53227 Bonn, Germany

Data protection officer: Dr. Claus D. Ulmer, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany, [email protected]

The Open Telekom Cloud offers Infrastructure as a Service from German high-security data centers.

Purposes of processing

Providing the hosting infrastructure in which Echometer runs.

Legal basis

Contract performance according to Art. 6 para. 1 letter b DSGVO.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the collected data is Telekom Deutschland GmbH.

Transmission to third countries

There is no transmission to third countries.


We use the product analytics tool "PostHog" in our app, which is provided by:

PostHog Inc, 2261 Market Street #4008, San Francisco, CA 94114

Data Protection Officer: Charles Cook (VP Operations), [email protected]

PostHog is a platform for product development and analysis that makes it possible to roll out new features sequentially as part of release management, ensure their stability and analyze their use. Session recordings are created to analyze user behavior without tracking user input. Data is also processed for support and analysis purposes.

Purposes of processing

PostHog is used for release management and product support and analysis purposes.

Legal basis

The purposes described represent a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the collected data is PostHog Inc. and Echometer uses EU hosting only.

Transmission to third countries

There is no transmission to third countries.

Optional login or registration via Google

You can register for our service with your Google account. The registration takes place via a redirect to the website of Google (Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA), where you can log in with your login.

Scope of processing of personal data: When you register via your Google account, your Google profile is linked to our service. We would like to point out that we have no influence on the processing of data at Google. Please note that you may have to explicitly log out of your Google account again after the takeover process. We receive the following information from Google: Last name, first name and email address Of the information provided to us by Google, we use: Name and email address This information is mandatory for the login to be able to identify them. For more information about Google, please see Google's privacy policy and terms of use.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: The legal basis for the processing of personal data using your Google account is Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO.

Purpose of data processing: Google is used for the purpose of making your login to our product as pleasant as possible.

Duration of storage: Data that was transferred via Google as part of the registration process will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. In the case of storage of data in log files, this is the case after 14 days at the latest. Storage beyond this period is possible. In this case, the IP addresses of the users are deleted or alienated so that an assignment of the calling client is no longer possible.

Possibility of objection and removal: As a user, you have the possibility to cancel the registration at any time. You can have the data stored about you changed at any time.

Optional registration for extended product communication

You can agree to extended product communication as part of your registration. This communication is handled via the CRM tool HubSpot, which is provided by:

HubSpot Inc, 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141 United States

Data Protection Officer: Nicholas Knoop, Data Protection Officer

Purposes of processing

HubSpot is used for the purposes of individualized customer communication and market research.

Legal basis

The purposes described represent a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the collected data is HubSpot Inc.

Transmission to third countries

The data will be stored according to HubSpots Data Processing Agreement submitted to HubSpot Inc.

Users can unsubscribe from this optional communication at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button in the product emails.

Optional AI functions via OpenAI

In some places, Echometer offers AI-supported functions. These functions are provided through an integration with OpenAI Ireland Ltd (1st Floor, The Liffey Trust Centre, 117-126 Sheriff Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 YC43, Ireland, [email protected]) is provided.

For these functions, it is explicitly pointed out that certain inputs and data are processed by OpenAI. No data other than this input and data is transmitted to OpenAI.

All AI-supported functions in Echometer are optional and require explicit activation and consent.

Purposes of processing

Provision of AI-supported functions at the request of a user

Legal basis

The purposes described constitute performance of a contract with the consent of the data subject within the meaning of Art. 6(1)(a) and (b) DSGVO.

Recipients and transfer to third countries

The data is processed in the USA in accordance with the Data Processing Addendum of OpenAI (see More information on processing can be found in the OpenAI Privacy Policy:

Self-checkout for SaaS customers via Stripe

There are several ways to become a Echometer customer. As part of the self-checkout process, the service provider Stripe is used, among others. Stripe is provided by:

Stripe Inc, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, New Castle, DE 19801, USA

Data protection officer: [email protected], Privacy: [email protected]

Purposes of processing

Stripe is used for the purposes of handling the purchase process and billing.

Legal basis

The purposes described constitute performance of a contract with the consent of the data subject within the meaning of Art. 6(1)(a) and (b) DSGVO.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the data collected is Stripe Inc.

Transmission to third countries

The data will be processed in accordance with Stripe's data processing agreement (see Stripe Data Processing Agreement).


Self-checkout for SaaS customers via Paddle

There are several ways to become a Echometer customer. As part of the self-checkout, the service provider Paddle is used, among others. Paddle is provided by: Market Limited, Judd House, 18-29, Mora Street, England, London, EC1V 8BT

Data Protection Officer: Michael Cox, [email protected]

Purposes of processing

Paddle is used for the purposes of handling the purchase process and billing.

Legal basis

The purposes described constitute performance of a contract with the consent of the data subject within the meaning of Art. 6(1)(a) and (b) DSGVO.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the data collected is Market Limited

Transmission to third countries

The data is processed in accordance with Paddle's data processing agreement (see Paddle Data Processing Addendum).

Communication with users of the free plan

The extended product communication with users of the free Echometers variant is partly handled via the MixMax tool, which is provided by:

Mixmax Inc, 548 Market Street, PMB 60764, San Francisco, CA, 94104-5401, United States

Data Protection Officer: Jonathan Grant, Data Protection Officer ([email protected])

Purposes of processing

Mixmax is used for the purposes of individualized user communication and market research.

Legal basis

The purposes described represent a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Recipients / categories of recipients

The recipient of the collected data is Mixmax Inc.

Transmission to third countries

The data is saved according to MixMax's Data Processing Agreement to Mixmax Inc.

Registration as a user in a paid workspace

If data subjects use the paid version of the Echometer app, we process their data on behalf of the owner of the Echometer workspace (usually the employer) in addition to the information in this Privacy Policy. This data processing is governed by the SaaS contract and the data processing agreement signed between Echometer and the owner of the workspace.

In this context, Echometer acts only as a data processor, while the workspace owner acts as a data controller. For further information about this data processing, data subjects can therefore contact their workspace owner/employer, as this is the data controller for the processing of data within the workspace.