Are you using Google to search for "Agile Retrospective Meeting Templates"? Then look no further, you've come to the right place. Because in this article, I'm going to introduce you to some sprint retrospective meeting templates that you can use for your retrospectives:
Agile Retrospective Meeting Templates
1. Keep Stop Start Retrospective: 👍 👎
Let's start with a classic. Namely, the start-stop-keep retrospective. In this one, three simple questions are asked about what to start, stop, and keep in the next sprint cycle. We usually turn this into the Keep-Stop-Start retrospective because we've found that the question, "What should be kept?" is the easiest question to get the retrospective going:
Open Feedback Questions
Keep: What should we keep?
Stop: What should we stop doing?
Start: What should we start doing?
Agile Retrospective Meeting Templates
2. DAKI (Drop Add Keep Improve) Retrospective:
As you can see, "DAKI" stands for the four English words "Drop, Add, Keep, Improve", which are the four questions asked in this particular retrospective format. Retrospectives with more than 3 questions, are usually a bit longer, but can provide interesting insights due to the additional perspectives on the last sprint (I wrote a detailed article about the DAKI retrospective here):
Open Feedback Questions
Drop: What should we drop?
Add: What should we add?
Keep: What should we keep?
Improve: What should we improve?
Agile Retrospective Meeting Templates
3. The Retrospective Of The Three Little Pigs: 🐷
The fable of the same name served as the inspiration for this retrospective, in which three little pigs in the fairy tale build three different shelters to protect themselves from the big wolf. Now the question is: What exactly does your team's "shelter" consist of?
Open Feedback Questions
House of straw: What do we do that is just holding together, but could topple over at any moment? 🌱
House of sticks: What do we do that is relatively stable, but could be improved? 🪵
House of bricks: What do we do that is rock solid? 🪨
4. The Campfire Retrospective:🔥
Who doesn't like to sit around a cozy fire and reflect on the past and the future? – I wouldn't advise lighting a fire in your office, but that's exactly what we made a nice campfire retrospective for:
Open Feedback Questions
Warm fire: What made you feel good in the last sprint?
Turned to ashes: What did not work as desired and crumbled to ashes?
The shooting star: What do you wish for the future?
Conclusion – 4 Interesting Agile Retrospective Meeting Templates
I've decided on 2 rather unusual retrospectives, in addition to the traditional "keep stop start" and DAKI retrospectives. I sincerely hope you enjoy them.
If you want to see 22 more Retrospective Templates, you can check out the following blog article: 22 Refreshing Agile Retrospective Templates in 2023