manager one one one monthly meeting template questions Google Doc Microsoft

Proven Doc-Template: Monthly One-on-One Meetings

Lisa has been working in an agile team for a year. She enjoys her work, but sometimes she feels insecure. Has her boss noticed her successes? Are there things she can do better?

Right, you guessed it: If Lisa hasn't had a single one-on-one conversation with her supervisor in the last year, then something is wrong. 

Which brings us to the topic: Monthly 1-on-1 meetings between managers and employees are key to good team management.

Incidentally, it is not so important whether they take place exactly once a month or have a different frequency – we will come to that in a moment.

Whether in a digital or virtual one-on-one meeting, 1-to-1 meetings offer space for feedback and thus for personal development, which is essential in today's working world.

First of all: If you're still unsure about what good one-on-one meetings look like, take a look at our guide: The guide with 6 tips for successful one-on-one meetings.

Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

Is a monthly one-on-one meeting frequent enough?

Good question... The frequency of 1-to-1 meetings depends on the size of the team and the individual requirements. For example, if you have a team of ten Direct Reports, a monthly one-on-one meeting is a good frequency. Smaller teams or more intensive projects might also require weekly or bi-weekly meetings.

It also obviously depends on how well you already know your team. During the familiarization phase, weekly one-on-one meetings are appropriate.

In Agile or Scrum teams, in which regular communication plays a central role anyway, the meetings should be adapted to the existing exchange. Some reflections at an individual level may not be necessary if you discuss how certain bugs arose during the retrospective.

A regular, for example monthly, one-on-one meeting is only necessary for the individual development of employees. Of course, this can also be useful digitally or virtually if the team is working remotely.

Incidentally, the picture below underlines an important point: more frequent reflection on the status quo also tends to mean a faster rate of change and improvement. 🙂

manager one one one meeting template questions 1 - how often
Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

A good template for monthly one-to-one meetings (Doc)

The fact that you clicked on this article tells me that you are looking for a doc template for monthly one-to-one meetings. Corresponding templates can of course have different focuses. 

That's why I've saved a doc template for you here, which should work well for the classic monthly performance review. Further down, I'll give you some ideas on how you can enrich the meeting routine with other questions. 

Let's start with the template for monthly 1-to-1 meetings. You can save it as a doc under the actual template, but you can also save it as a PDF, Google Sheets, Excel or Word document. Simply click on the "Plus" toggle.


  • How was the last month for you?

🗣️ Topics of the direct employee (name)

  • ...

🏆 Manager topics: Successes & Progress

  • What were your biggest successes in the last month?
  • What have you learned in the last month and what skills have you developed?

⚠️ Manager topics: Challenges & Support

  • What obstacles did you have to contend with?
  • Are there any resources or support you need?

📈 Manager topics: Development & goals

  • Are there any new skills you would like to develop?
  • How can I help you take a small step towards your career goals?


  • Feedback: What can I do better to lead you and/or the team?

⁉️ Mood check (survey)

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English

Preview: PDF template

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Preview: One-to-One Meeting Microsoft Word Template

If you would like to download the above sample template as a Word document, simply click on the image below. You can then edit or print the template as you wish.

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Preview: Google Docs one-to-one meeting template

If you want to edit the above sample template as Google Docs, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly by copying it.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

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Preview: Google Sheets one-to-one meeting template

If you would like a template for weekly check-ins as an editable Google Sheet, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly and print it out, for example.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Excel or XLSX template

If you would like to download the above template as a printable or editable XLSX, simply click on the image below. Then you can flexibly edit or print the template.

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As you can see, the main aim of a monthly one-to-one meeting is to zoom out. This is often very difficult in everyday life, which is why a dedicated block of time is necessary.

By the way, don't be fooled by the agenda: Basically, your goal should be for your intrinsically motivated employee to bring as many topics as possible to the table themselves.

Now let's move on to a template that takes a slightly more creative approach to the one-on-one conversation.

"Why do my employees never bring topics to the 1:1 meetings?"

“In my 1:1 meetings, it's annoying to take notes while trying to focus on the employee.”

"Employees don't open up to me in 1:1 conversations."

"Employees don't optimize their feedback loops and work processes."

"Yes, 1:1 meetings with my employees should be my most important meeting – but I need more guidance for that."

"Employees don't take the 1:1 meetings seriously enough."

"Employees are simply not interested in the customer's perspective."

"I don't know how I can develop my employees in 1:1 meetings over a longer period of time."

"Employees implement the action items from our 1:1 meetings too rarely."

"As a manager, I am too often poorly prepared for 1:1 meetings."

"I don't know how to develop employees' soft skills in 1:1 meetings."

"Employees simply don't have intrinsic development goals."

"Too often we don't have any meaningful action items after 1:1 meetings."

"I don't have time to prepare 1:1 meetings and am therefore unhappy with the results."

"Employees don't take ownership of our team goal."

Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

2 more helpful templates for one-on-one meetings (Doc)

Having spoken to around 100 managers over the last few months, I have noticed a pattern. 

Many supervisors incorporate small surveys into their one-on-one meetings from time to time. This means that they simply go through a few questions in a relaxed manner and ask the employee a) whether he or she agrees with a statement (for example from 1 to 7) and then b) why he or she answered in this way.

They expect the following from these micro-surveys in 1:1s:

  • More variety and engagement in 1-to-1 conversations
  • Taking on new perspectives
  • Measurability of (soft) KPIs such as satisfaction over time

And of course you can also use this idea for your monthly one-to-one meeting. I have put together five statements for you here that focus on reflecting on important preconditions for a successful employee.

You can also download this template as a doc, but even better is the following: In our one-on-one meeting software, we have an integrated tool that visualizes the results over time as a metric and gives you tips with an AI assistant – feel free to take a look without logging in using the button below.

⁉️ Mood check (agreement from 1-7): Personal development

  • "My work tasks usually progress very quickly, even if external feedback is necessary."
  • "If I observe suboptimal behavior, I know how I can constructively draw my colleagues' attention to it."
  • "I receive constructive Feedback both to my work and to my personal development."
  • "I see an attractive career path ahead of me in the company." #Growth
  • "In the last few weeks, I have often been able to use my Strengths at work."

This is what this survey looks like in Echometer:

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English

Preview: PDF template

If you would like to download the above sample or template as a printable PDF, simply click on the image below. You can then edit or print the template as you wish.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: One-to-One Meeting Microsoft Word Template

If you would like to download the above sample template as a Word document, simply click on the image below. You can then edit or print the template as you wish.

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Preview: Google Docs one-to-one meeting template

If you want to edit the above sample template as Google Docs, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly by copying it.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Google Sheets one-to-one meeting template

If you would like a template for weekly check-ins as an editable Google Sheet, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly and print it out, for example.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Excel or XLSX template

If you would like to download the above template as a printable or editable XLSX, simply click on the image below. Then you can flexibly edit or print the template.

Click image to open ⬇️

As you can see, the statements address key preconditions of staff that feels happy. 

Another prerequisite for healthy, productive employees is, of course, a good manager. Yes, I'm talking about you here. 

And of course there are also statements that you can take with you into your one-on-one meeting. Specifically, here are 4 behavioral anchors that you can reflect on in a monthly one-on-one meeting with your employee.

⁉️ Mood check (agreement from 1-7): Leadership quality

  • "I'm really happy with my team leader." #JobSatisfaction
  • "My team leader regularly zooms out to see the higher-level Team goalsexplain the strategy and the vision."
  • "My team leader questions things in a constructive way." #Feedback #Leadership
  • "My team leader sets an example of what he expects from us as a team." #Leadership

This is what this survey looks like in Echometer:

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English

Preview: PDF template

If you would like to download the above sample or template as a printable PDF, simply click on the image below. You can then edit or print the template as you wish.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: One-to-One Meeting Microsoft Word Template

If you would like to download the above sample template as a Word document, simply click on the image below. You can then edit or print the template as you wish.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Google Docs one-to-one meeting template

If you want to edit the above sample template as Google Docs, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly by copying it.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Google Sheets one-to-one meeting template

If you would like a template for weekly check-ins as an editable Google Sheet, simply click on the image below. You can then edit the template flexibly and print it out, for example.

🚸 Attention: You must be logged in to Google to be able to copy (and thus edit) the template in the menu at the top left.

Click image to open ⬇️

Preview: Excel or XLSX template

If you would like to download the above template as a printable or editable XLSX, simply click on the image below. Then you can flexibly edit or print the template.

Click image to open ⬇️

Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

17 Clever questions for monthly one-on-one conversations

So, now you should have a good foundation for your monthly one-to-one conversation.

And yet I still have more tips for you. Because one thing is your agenda – the other thing is creative questions that you ask in the middle of the battle of words. Especially in monthly one-to-one conversations, it's worth taking a bird's eye view – and the following list of questions will help you do this.

🧘‍♀️ One-to-one questions with a focus on positives

  • If you could add one responsibility or decision-making power to your role, what would it be?
  • Which skill would have the greatest impact on your personal performance if you mastered it?
  • What new things have you learned recently (privately or professionally)?
  • When was the last time you helped another team member to develop?
  • What are the 3 best things you want for yourself professionally in the next 1-2 years?
  • When was the last time you experienced a state of flow at work? How easy is it for you to get into flow?
  • What would you call the informal role you play in the team and why? (e.g. "Head of Happiness") 
  • What is currently inspiring you? What currently gives you energy?

🦋 One-to-one questions about improvements

  • If you were the CEO of this organization, what would you do differently?
  • What are things that drain your energy?
  • What are you currently missing in your job?
  • If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
  • When did you find it difficult to change the context between tasks?
  • When was the last time you contributed to a process improvement in our team?
  • If you could delegate one of your responsibilities to someone else, what would it be?
  • What things slow you down or regularly block your work?
  • What question would you ask yourself if you were your coach?

And, can you hardly wait to ask these questions in your one-on-one meeting? Very good, I'm glad. 

If you would like more creative input, I can recommend our corresponding article: 129 Good One-on-One Meeting Questions (by a Psychologist).

Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

15 more Templates for One-on-One Meetings (as Doc, PDF etc.)

You've probably already guessed it. Of course, there are many more templates for one-on-one meetings that you will need sooner or later. 

For example, I talk about templates for your one-on-one meeting about salary, your conversation with a difficult employee or with a completely new employee.

We have additional templates for all of these use cases, which you can find in this article: 15 Free Proven One-on-one Meeting Templates to Edit & Print 

Monthly Employee One-on-One Template (Doc) for Managers

Conclusion: Doc Template for monthly 1-on-1 meetings

First of all, congratulations: if you conscientiously conduct a monthly one-to-one meeting with your employees, you are taking your leadership role more seriously than average.

This text should not make you forget one piece of wisdom: There are countless questions you can ask – but the most important thing is that you tailor the conversation to your employee. 

Our AI meeting assistant for one-on-one meetings can also help you in your conversation. If you'd like to find out more, take a look at our website: The best 1-on-1 meeting software

Most Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters run in circles...

...fixing superficial symptoms. Time to use psychology to foster sustainable mindset change.

"Many team members are afraid to speak up!"

"We discover too many unexpected issues & bugs at a late stage!"

"Why does it sometimes take me hours to prepare a simple retrospective?"

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