A fun and imaginative illustration representing creativity and excitement for one-on-one meeting names

60 Fancy, Fun & Catchy One-on-One Meeting Name Examples

Do you have regular one-to-one meetings with your colleagues and want to make sure that appraisal interviews are not perceived as boring?

That's a good idea! Especially when you look at studies:


"Of 250 direct reports [...] nearly half rated their 1:1 experiences as suboptimal."

Source: Harvard Business Review

And of course there are various ways to achieve this. But the first obvious step can be to give the regular one-on-one meeting or appraisal interview an attractive name.

This is exactly what we will focus on in this article: Which 1 to 1 meeting names and titles are there for which types of one-to-one meetings and which are useful in which situation?

First of all, if you're interested in a general introduction to regular one-to-one meetings, take a look at our post on the subject: A guide: 6 tips for successful 1-to-1 conversations.

Types of 1:1 meetings

One-to-one meeting names & titles: Different types

I've spoken to hundreds of Team Leads over the last few months to develop our one-to-one meeting software (Read more: The 3 best 1:1 software in comparison). It has become quite clear that 1-to-1 meetings and regular employee appraisals are carried out with different objectives in practice. To give you some examples:

  • Operational 1:1s: Some team leads, for example, hold a weekly 30-minute one-to-one meeting with each team member to primarily go through the employee's individual tasks together: Are there blockers in your tasks? Where should I give you feedback so that, for example, you implement the tasks according to the customer's expectations? 
  • Employee development 1:1s: Other managers focus on, for example, bi-weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings that are more focused on developing the team member. For example: What skills (for example, programming languages, soft skills) are you still lacking? What goals do you need to achieve in order to be officially declared a Senior Software Developer?
  • Hybrid one-to-one meetings: These one-on-one meetings are completely open. Both managers and team members bring their topics, which are either aimed at operational tasks or personal development and feedback, etc. 

A tip in between: If you belong to either the second or third group above, I can recommend that you hold the one-to-one meeting on a walk (outside, of course). Fresh air and exercise can be very stimulating when it comes to reflecting and thinking "outside the box". And no excuses: I can say from personal experience that even in remote teams, it's easy to have a relaxed phone call while walking with the help of headphones and have fantastic conversations.

By the way: If you are a manager of software developers, the following article might be of interest to you: 6 Examples of feedback to software developers.

Names for operational 1:1 meetings

1-1 Meeting names & titles for operational meetings

Let's move on to a list that now focuses on operational meetings and employee appraisals. What standard names are there, and what catchy alternative titles are possible?

Standard names for operational 1:1 meetings

  1. Jour Fix
  2. Catch-Up
  3. Weekly Check-In
  4. Weekly Debrief
  5. 1:1 [Name of employee] x [Your name]
  6. Status update
  7. Task-Talk
  8. Weekly review
  9. Project update

Creative names for operational 1:1 meetings

After the usual names, here are some more creative examples of one-to-one meetings and employee appraisal titles:

  1. Tactics meeting
  2. Mission Briefing
  3. Next-Step-Session
  4. Task Lounge
  5. Sync & Solve
  6. Focus Forum
  7. Action Hour
  8. Workflow workshop
  9. Roadmap update
  10. Special Ops Meeting

Catchy or fun names for operational 1:1 meetings

After the creative names, here are some catchy and fun examples of one-to-one meeting titles:

  1. Task-Tuesday (or adapt to the respective weekday)
  2. What's-on-round
  3. Master plan Meeting
  4. Coffee klatch
  5. The To-Do Show
A quick note at this point: In addition to the names, the content of one-to-one meetings is of course much more relevant in order to have an energetic and productive conversation. Our Echometer software can help you with this.
In our blog you will find some examples of the templates in our tool (e.g. weekly, annual, 1-1 with difficult employees...): 15 proven 1-1 meeting templates to edit (free).
Our software itself not only provides you with various templates and suggested questions for your one-to-one meeting and ensures that measures are not forgotten. It even helps to make employee development measurable. Take a look by simply trying out this template here:

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Mood as weather

One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN
  • If you had to describe your emotional state as the weather, how is the weather in your project or your tasks at the moment?
  • How is the weather in relation to your employer, your personal life and your private life?

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Bi-weekly meeting

One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN

👋 Welcome & Icebreaker

  • What is the weather like in your project / tasks at the moment?

📕 Topics Employee [name]

  • ...

👈 Topics Manager

  • What went well?
  • Challenges?
  • Next priorities?

⁉️ Mood check (survey)

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Bi-weekly meeting

👋 Welcome & Icebreaker

  • How are you today, how has your week been so far?

📕 Topics Employee [name]

  • ...

👈 Executive topics

  • What went well?
  • Challenges?
  • Next priorities?

⁉️ Mood check (survey)

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English
1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Mood as weather
One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN
  • If you had to describe your emotional state as the weather, how is the weather in your project or your tasks at the moment?
  • How is the weather in relation to your employer, your personal life and your private life?

Names for development-oriented 1:1 meetings

One-to-one meeting name & title: Employee development

This should give you good inspiration for meetings and regular appraisal interviews that focus on operational tasks. Let's say, however, that you want to focus primarily on the employee's further development in the meeting. 

Then the first tip I can give you is to choose good questions. Good questions are key to initiating a constructive coaching process. Have a look here: 129 Clever one-on-one meeting questions

So let's move on to some examples of catchy and fun names and titles for your regular one-to-one routine:

Standard names for development-oriented 1:1 meetings

  1. Development check-in
  2. Career feedback interview
  3. Coaching session
  4. Development discussion
  5. Progress review
  6. Career 1:1
  7. Personal Growth Talk
  8. Goal Check-in
  9. 1:1 Performance Review

Creative names for Development-oriented 1:1 meetings

After the usual names, here are some more creative examples of one-to-one meeting titles:

  1. Grow & Glow (my personal favorite)
  2. Unfolding round
  3. Next-Level-Talk
  4. Future time
  5. Growth Workshop
  6. Skill Spotlight
  7. Personal roadmap session
  8. Development Debrief
  9. Up-Talk
  10. Growth Engine Room

Casual or humorous names for development-oriented 1:1 meetings

After the creative names, here are some catchy and fun examples of one-to-one meeting titles:

  1. Level-up round
  2. Career Coffee Break
  3. Boost & Balance
  4. Dream Big Talk
  5. What-do-you-want-to-be-Round
  6. Feedback & Fine-tuning
  7. Next Step Catch-up
  8. Booster Talk
  9. Grow-Time

Personalized names (depending on the employee or context):

Basically, it obviously makes sense to adapt the meeting name to the person or to mention the names of both participants. In the best case, this can be done by using a suitable word that fits the person, perhaps an alliteration (see first two examples). Alternatively, you can simply introduce the name as it is.

  1. Growing Gregor 1:1 | [Your name]
  2. From Robert to Rocket 1:1 | [your name]
  3. [name of employee]'s development check | [your name]
  4. Your-plan-1:1 | [Your name]
  5. Growth path with [name of employee] | [your name]
  6. Tobi's Talent Talk | [Your Name]
  7. Vision session | [Your name]
General examples

Examples of common 1-1 conversation names & titles

If you haven't found anything suitable here because your one-to-one meetings may be aimed at different goals, I would like to give you some more general examples of good one-to-one meeting titles and names.

  • Work and development discussion
  • All-round check
  • Target and status update
  • Progress & Growth Meeting
  • Momentum Meeting
  • Growth & Goals discussion
  • Vision & Action Talk
  • Next Steps & Big Picture
  • Your Hour
  • Flow & Feedback Round
  • Coffee & Clarity
  • To-dos and Dreams
  • Mission & Vision Sync

As there aren't so many suggestions this time, I've mixed the fun and unusual names with the classics. I think you'll still be able to tell them apart...

If you also want to take your conversations to a new level, I can recommend good templates – see for example our post on this: 5 templates for regular employee check-ins.

1:1 names for each day of the week

Too boring? Fun 1:1 meeting names per weekday

Depending on the day of the week, it can be a refreshing routine to come up with a special name for each day of the week:


  • Mission Monday
  • Madness Monday
  • Magic Monday
  • Mindful Monday
  • Motivation Monday

Tuesday (tip: also works for Thursday)

  • Turn-Up Tuesday
  • Tackle Tuesday


  • Work-In-Progress Wednesday
  • Winning Wednesday
  • Wisdom Sharing Wednesday

Thursday (tip: also works for Tuesday)

  • Thankful Thursday
  • Think Tank Thursday
  • Thriving Thursday
  • Throwback Thursday


  • Feel-Good Friday
  • Finish Friday
  • Focus Friday

What software developer wouldn't be happy to receive an invitation to an appointment with a title like that? 😄

A simple tip for better 1:1 meetings

Could your 1:1 meetings be better?

We have conducted countless interviews with managers on the subject of 1-to-1 meetings. One pattern: not all meetings are as measurably productive as they could be (our picture below is of course a little exaggerated). Yet many challenges could easily be solved!

One on one Meeting english meme

Imagine your 1-to-one meetings looked like this:

  • 💹 Measurability of employee development in clear KPIs
  • 🤖 Notes are generated automatically, while you focus on the conversation.
  • 😍 Fun, relaxed conversations – and all 1:1 meeting data in one single tool

If this sounds interesting, our 1-to-1 meeting tool Echometer might be of interest to you. Take a look at our website here:


Conclusion - Fun & Fancy One-to-One Meeting Titles

Regular one-to-one meetings are a key tool for managers to advance operational issues as well as to promote the personal and professional development of team members. However, the success of these meetings depends heavily on perception: Is the meeting perceived as inspiring and valuable, or merely worked through as routine?

An attractive name for your one-to-one meeting is a simple but effective first step to clearly communicate the focus and intention of the discussions – and perhaps also create some anticipation.

In the end, of course, it's not about the name, but about the attitude behind it: Use the opportunity to solve blockers, give feedback and build real relationships. Of course, good one-to-one meeting software can also help you do this. If this sounds interesting to you, take a look at our Echometer tool. You can simply start the software via the link below, maybe the template is even suitable for your regular "Grow & Glow Meeting":

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Mood as weather

One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN
  • If you had to describe your emotional state as the weather, how is the weather in your project or your tasks at the moment?
  • How is the weather in relation to your employer, your personal life and your private life?

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Bi-weekly meeting

One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN

👋 Welcome & Icebreaker

  • What is the weather like in your project / tasks at the moment?

📕 Topics Employee [name]

  • ...

👈 Topics Manager

  • What went well?
  • Challenges?
  • Next priorities?

⁉️ Mood check (survey)

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English

1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Bi-weekly meeting

👋 Welcome & Icebreaker

  • How are you today, how has your week been so far?

📕 Topics Employee [name]

  • ...

👈 Executive topics

  • What went well?
  • Challenges?
  • Next priorities?

⁉️ Mood check (survey)

Free One-on-One-Meeting Template Form Satisfaction - English
1:1 Meeting Tool Template: Mood as weather
One on one meeting template question icebreaker weather EN
  • If you had to describe your emotional state as the weather, how is the weather in your project or your tasks at the moment?
  • How is the weather in relation to your employer, your personal life and your private life?

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