Echometers Story: 3 Gründe für (k)ein weiteres Retro-Tool
Der bisher größte Erfolg von Echometer ist nicht, dass wir schöne Kunden (wie Miele oder Volvo), Tausende von Nutzern gewonnen oder einiges an Risikokapital gewonnen
…one of the fastest growing companies in Germany (Business Insider).
As a young, Münster-based startup and spin-off of the Psychological Department of the University of Münster, we develop a digital coach that supports agile team development in companies like Miele, Toyota and Westlotto. We are seed financed by awesome angel investors – see Gründerszene.
In so-called retrospectives – frequent team workshops – our software stimulates self-reflection in the team through targeted feedback and psychological nudges. This enables an agile, continuous improvement process.
What Trello is for Kanban boards, Echometer is for Team Retrospectives 🙂
We are currently a team of about 10 people, and are from time to time supported by interns.
We achieve our vision primarily through our values:
Our actions are focused on creating sustainable added value for our customers, society and nature.
As a team, it is a matter of the heart for us to inspire each other, to learn new things and to continuously develop ourselves. #GrowthMindset
We do not only want to satisfy our customers with Echometer. We want to inspire them – so that they tell others about us.
Note: We believe that company values are something you have to discover – you can not make them up. In this sense, we keep discovering what makes our intrinsic values as a team 🙂
We need people that feel the urge to proactively shape the future. What side-project or initiatives have you already started in the past that underline your self-drivenness?
We believe that people can only learn and improve when they allow a critical reflection. Where have you shown that you can initiate a feedback- and learning-loop that brought you or your team further?
Great team members have each other’s backs. When did you show that you are highly motivated to support your team members to achieve the best possible outcome and become the best version of themselves?
Combining big vision with short-term goal setting, moving in fast iterations with customer learning loops – that is what makes startups agile. Always being willing to question everything and start over again. Jeff Bezos calls this a “Day One”-mentality. Why do you think such an environment matches your ways of working?
What? Cocktail parties? Well, we think one should celebrate successes appropriately. Therefore, we also have regular parties and fun team events. You can see a glimpse of what that looks like below 🥳
We don’t have any open working student positions at the moment. If you feel like we should still talk to you, feel free to reach out proactively!
We don’t have any open full-time position at the moment. If you feel like we should still talk to you, feel free to reach out proactively!
Check out our latest articles on our ways of working!
Der bisher größte Erfolg von Echometer ist nicht, dass wir schöne Kunden (wie Miele oder Volvo), Tausende von Nutzern gewonnen oder einiges an Risikokapital gewonnen
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If you have any questions about open positions, the application process or unsolicited applications, you can always contact Christian via grow(at)echometerapp.com!
We are glad to answer your questions.