Sprint Retrospective Powerpint Template

3 Undiscovered Agile Scrum Retrospective Templates

Are you searching Google for "Agile Scrum Retrospective Template"? Then you have landed at the right place. In this article I will give you three new Agile Scrum Retrospective Templates that you surely haven't heard of yet. If these three templates are not enough for you, I will give you a recommendation at the end to an article with 50+ interesting Agile Scrum Retrospective Templates. 
But first, let's start with the three:

Agile Scrum Retrospective Template

1. The Memes Retrospective:

With the modern internet, memes were born. Meme faces are a big part of meme culture. In this retrospective, we've taken a fun approach to looking back at the last Sprint:

Open Feedback Questions

Me Gusta: What did you like about the last sprint?

4 Real: When did you feel really pranked in the last sprint?

I am watching you: What will you be on the lookout for in the future?

Agile Scrum Retrospective Template

2. The Campfire Retrospective 🔥:

Who doesn't like sitting around a campfire and letting their mind wander?
The only problem is that it's best not to start a fire in your office. But that's exactly why we created the Campfire Retrospective:

Open Feedback Questions

Warm fire: What made you feel good in the last sprint?

Turned to ashes: What did not work as desired and crumbled to ashes?

The shooting star: What do you wish for the future?

Agile Scrum Retrospective Template

3. The Retrospective of the three little pigs 🐽:

With this retrospective, I have to admit that it is not one of our own creations. Nevertheless, I find this retrospective based on the fable of the same name really interesting.
The fable is about three little pigs who want to protect themselves from the Big Bad Wolf. To do so, they each build a shelter out of three different sturdy materials. The question is, how is your team currently put together?

Open Feedback Questions

House of straw: What do we do that is just holding together, but could topple over at any moment? 🌱

House of sticks: What do we do that is relatively stable, but could be improved? 🪵

House of bricks: What do we do that is rock solid? 🪨

Agile Scrum Retrospective Template

Conclusion – 3 Undiscovered Agile Scrum Retrospective Templates

As you can see, I've put together three previously unknown retrospectives that can bring a breath of fresh air to your team. Not satisfied with these three? – Then you can find our 22 most popular retrospective templates here: 22 Refreshing Agile Retrospective Templates in 2023.

To quick start a retrospective, you can use Echometer where you can prepare an entire retrospective agenda in less than 1 minute. If you want to take a closer look at what belongs to my personal favorite retrospective agenda, you can read my blog article about it here: Easy to use sprint retrospective meeting agenda template.

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Need a team boost? Do this: The Spotify Health Check Retrospective!

First Health question: "😍 We love going to work, and have great fun working together."

Sounds good? Try our retro tool for free below.

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