Soccer retrospective

4 questions for a soccer retrospective

You are a sports lover and that's why you were looking for "Football Retrospective"? Then you have landed here at the right place - First of all i want to give you a quick overview over the soccer retrospective...


Soccer retrospective

Wrong team lineup? 4 questions for the soccer retro ⚽️

Good teamwork is just as important in soccer as it is in agile. You have to have the right people on the field. And yet, sometimes you just have a bad day. If your team has some soccer fans, this agile sprint retrospective will give you a jumping off point:


Example moves (questions) for your soccer retrospective

  • Double pass: Where did we play particularly well together?
    • Example: We have much better communication and coordination between the individual players in the team in this project. – This is how it should continue.
  • Free kick: What opportunities do we have?
    • Example: You have the feeling that not everyone in your team dares to speak up, there is a lack of so-called psychological safety. So you could start by doing an agile team health check in 3 steps in your team. (More info on: "psychological safety" or "Team health check in 3 steps")
  • Foul play: When did we break the rules?
    • Example: It's good to look at agile metrics like your team's velocity from time to time – that hasn't happened much lately unfortunately! We should get better at keeping track of our metrics. (Read more: "agile metrics")
  • Goal: Where did we hit the bull's eye?
    • Example: You were very happy with the new tool to help with prioritization & transparency of the product backlog. It should definitely be used further.

By the way, you can also find the soccer retrospective in our Echometer tool and do it online with your team (no registration required):

Open feedback questions

Double pass: Where did we play particularly well together?

Free kick: What chances did we have?

Foul play: When did we break the rules?

Goal: Where did we hit the bull's eye?

As you can see, the soccer retrospective includes many important perspectives on teamwork and is therefore also an interesting undertaking for non-football fans from time to time. If you as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master have a team with an affinity for sports or are even a soccer fan, the soccer retrospective will certainly go down even better.


Soccer retrospective

From sports for business

Personally, I have played a lot of sports myself in the past. It wasn't soccer, but I still know that working in agile teams and playing in a team has a lot of parallels. The trust among each other is incredibly important and also the coordination of moves at lightning speed leads to better movement as a team and finally bringing home the victory for yourself. 


Taking a more relaxed approach and having fun with your team is something that pays off in both areas. I don't want to go into detail about this topic here, but maybe this is a great incentive for you to incorporate something more from other areas, such as sports, into your everyday life in agile teams. The soccer retro is a great start for this and I hope that the team spirit can be further strengthened. 


Maybe you will also try a common battle cry: "Zicke zacke zicke zacke hoi hoi hoi" – But please do not exaggerate 🤣


Conclusion – The Soccer Retrospective

If you want to bring a little more sportsmanship to your team or bring a smile to the face of soccer fans on your team, the soccer retro is definitely a recommendation. If you like it, you'll probably like these retros too: 22 Refreshing Agile Retrospective Templates in 2023

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Need a team boost? Do this: The Spotify Health Check Retrospective!

First Health question: "😍 We love going to work, and have great fun working together."

Sounds good? Try our retro tool for free below.

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